Interdepartmental Centre for Experimental Research- Research Centres
- Cirsal
The CIRSAL - Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per la Ricerca che utilizza Animali da Laboratorio (Interdepartmental Centre for Experimental Research) was established in 2001 with the aim of coordinating and managing all facilities and infrastructure for the housing of laboratory animals, ensuring their welfare according to current legislation (i.e. Legislative decree no. 26/2014), and creating the appropriate conditions for carrying out the experimental research activities.
The Centre includes the following departments that carry out experimental research activities at the University of Verona:
- Department of Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Diagnostics and Public Health
- Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
- Department of Biotechnology
- Department of Engineerng for Innovation medicine
Governing bodies
The governing bodies, each with its own prerogatives, have the task of harmonising the complex management and control activities of the CIRSAL.
The Technical and Scientific Committee is also responsible for evaluating the research protocols submitted by individual researchers, before these are sent to the Ministry of Health, and shall act as the body in charge of animal welfare (Organismo Preposto al Benessere Animale - OPBA) established by Legislative Decree no. 26/2014.
The Centre has administrative and financial autonomy.
- President
- Technical Manager
- The Technical and Scientific Committee (CTS), which is composed of: department representatives belonging to the Centre, appointed by the department councils concerned, the President, the Technical Manager and the Designated Veterinary.
Designated Veterinarians, pursuant to Art. 24 of Legislative decree no. 26/2014;
CIRSAL technical staff, whose role is to support researchers in the management of breeding colonies and experimental activities, and to provide logistical and management support to the management of the Centre;
Animal facility staff, in charge of the cleaning and maintenance of the animals. This service is provided by an external, specialised company, which is periodically selected by tender. Animal facility staff have the task and responsibility of taking care of the animal facilities in accordance with the regulations in force.
The CIRSAL has two main facilities, both based in the Borgo Roma Campus.
In addition to the animal housing rooms, the animal facilities include operating theatres for surgical activities, fully-equipped areas for experiments, and dedicated premises.
The Centre also has warehouses, technical support rooms, a laboratory, and an office room.
The Centre is funded by the University of Verona and the departments concerned through a specific annual funding..
Elisa Tedeschi
Technical Manager
045 802 7289
Giulia Giovanna De Santi
Technical staff member
045 802 7225 - 045 802 7152
Marta D'Agrosa
Technical staff member
045 802 7225 - 045 802 7152
Paola Orso
Administrative-Technical staff member
045 802 7225
Stefania Anna Rotondo
Technical staff member
Prof. Mario Rosario Buffelli
045 802 7268
Giovanni Fiorini
Technical staff member
045 802 7400
Documenti CIRSAL
- Legge n. 413 del 12 ottobre 1993
Norme sull'obiezione di coscienza alla sperimentazione animale