Inglese b1 verona [MODULO INFORMATIZZATO] [Tutti i CDL - Gruppo 3] (2023/2024)



Level B1 Level B1 is divided into 2 modules of 40 hours each. A first module of 40 hours is dedicated to the preparation of the computerized exam and a second module, also of 40 hours, is dedicated to the preparation of the written and oral exam. In both courses, the student will learn grammar rules, vocabulary and expressions useful for reaching level B1.

Modalit� d'esame

Computerized test (duration 45 minutes) 2 cloze tests (gap-fill exercises in grammar and vocabulary) The student must be able to understand the context and vocabulary of a short B1 level text in order to identify the terms or grammatical typology terms to be inserted in the deleted parts of the text. 2 reading exercises (Reading comprehension) The student must prove able to understand short texts of practical content in order to extrapolate information. They should also be able to demonstrate an understanding of the structures of the language, how the writer poses, and the effect passages might have on the reader. 2 listening exercises (Listening Comprehension) The student must know how to understand and be able to perceive salient points and understand conversations, demonstrating that he has grasped the attitude of the speaker.

Codice insegnamento
Settore disciplinare
CLA/ING  -  Lingua Inglese
Vanessa De Marines
2° semestre
Orario delle lezioni Vai su moodle

Libri di testo

Nessun libro di testo presente