Inglese c2 verona [Gruppo 1] (2023/2024)



Critical analysis of Yuval Harari's "21 Lessons for the 21st Century" Development of proficiency level academic writing: features of academic writing / developing critical approaches / summarising and paraphrasing / accurate referencing and citations / text organisation / introductions and conclusions / mastery of the elements of writing (e.g. cause and effect, cohesion, comparisons, generalisations, etc..)

Modalit� d'esame

Students with a minimum of 70% attendance can sit two written exams - one at the end of the 1st semester (an 800-1000 word paper) and the other at the end of the 2nd semester (a 600-800 word paper). The results will be averaged in order to obtain a single mark for the Written exam. The topic of the papers can be freely chosen by the individual student on condition that it is related to any of the material assigned during the course. Students that have passed the written with a minimum score of 60% may go on to do the Speaking exam which consists of a 5-7 minute presentation followed by a 5-7 minute Question & Answer period. The student may choose the topic of the presentation which needs to be clearly related to the subject matter of the course.

Codice insegnamento
Settore disciplinare
CLA/ING  -  Lingua Inglese
Paolo Filippetto
1° semestre, 2° semestre
Orario delle lezioni Vai su moodle

Libri di testo

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