Laboratorio di intercomprensione - base [Gruppo 1] (2023/2024)



- ability to identify and differentiate the various Romance languages starting from their graphic, lexical and morphosyntactic characteristics and to perceive their phonological and prosodic differences - awareness of one's own multilingual profile (Cf. CARAP) - discovery of text reading strategies in unknown languages - discovery of intercomprehensive strategies implemented during oral exams - ability to use technological tools in order to intervene in a forum or collaborate with other people in various languages to carry out a task together - strengthening of awareness of linguistic familiarity through learning paths familiarization with the Latin language and common roots (with focus on: etymology, morpho-syntactic correspondences, texts) - ability to read and understand documents of various types at A2/B1 level in five different languages (Catalan, French, Italian , Portuguese and Spanish)

Modalit� d'esame

At the end of the educational path, there is a final test which must be passed to obtain credits.

Codice insegnamento
Settore disciplinare
CLA/ITA  -  Lingua Italiana
CLA/SPA  -  Lingua Spagnola
Paola Celentin, Susana Benavente Ferrera
1° semestre Italiano L2
Orario delle lezioni Vai su moodle

Libri di testo

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