Inglese b2 intensivo [Informatizzato] (2022/2023)



Vocabulary Topics 1. Society and People / Social Issues (including identity, routine, the home) 2. Food and health 3. Education 4. The world of work and business 5. Nature and the environment 6. Tourism, travel and transport 7. Science and technology 8. Art, Culture & Entertainment (free time) Grammar & Vocabulary • Verb patterns (including lists of various groups) • Prepositions (most useful ones for CBT test) - types, position within a sentence, how they affect verbs • Phrasal verbs - various types and usage • Countable and uncountable nouns • Quantifiers and other adverbs • The various functions of the modal verbs • Conjunctions Study materials: • All required material will be available on the Moodle in the form of downloadable files (PDF and Word, video links)

Modalit� d'esame

1 cloze of 10 gaps, 20 words are given (10 + 10 distractors) 1 C-text of 10 gaps with the beginnings and endings of words missing, 16 possible pre/suffixes are given (10 + 6) 1 MC Reading Comprehension - 1 long text with 10 quesytions 2/3 MC Listening Comprehensions

Codice insegnamento
Settore disciplinare
CLA/ING  -  Lingua Inglese
Brigitte Bick Davison
2° semestre
Orario delle lezioni Vai su moodle

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