Inglese b2 intensivo [Informatizzato - Erasmus] (2021/2022)



The computer exam includes a reading comprehension with 10 multiple choice questions (5 on comprehension and 5 on vocabulary), a cloze exercise in which the student must choose words to complete a text, a 'C' test in which the student must complete words in a text with affixes and listening comprehension with multiple choice questions.

Modalit� d'esame

The computer exam includes a reading comprehension with 10 multiple choice questions (5 on comprehension and 5 on vocabulary), a cloze exercise in which the student must choose words to complete a text, a 'C' test in which the student must complete words in a text with affixes and listening comprehension with multiple choice questions.

Codice insegnamento
Settore disciplinare
CLA/ING  -  Lingua Inglese
Mary Elizabeth Birkett
1° semestre
Orario delle lezioni Vai su moodle

Libri di testo

Nessun libro di testo presente