Inglese b2 verona [MODULO INFORMATIZZATO] [Gruppo 4 (modulo informatizzato)] (2021/2022)



One of the most important tasks in the B2 computer exam course is the development of vocabulary and particular language in context, involving both reading and listening skills and consolidation of knowledge of grammar introduction of more advanced structures. The course also gives practice in the exercises present on the exam. Grammar Syllabus Making adjectives from nouns, adjective order in sentences, ed + ing adjectives Narrative tenses – past simple and continuous, and past perfect and continuous. Question tags – agreements sentences – so do I, neither does he. Future overview – present tenses, will, going to – future perfect and continuous. Conditionals, time clauses. Adjectives and adverbs - Prefixes Obligation verbs, modal verbs in present and perfect forms. Present perfect simple and continuous. Comparisons – the …the… It’s time, I’d better, rather Modals verbs and verbs of deduction – present and past Vocabulary Syllabus Illnesses and injuries, clothes and fashion, adverbs and adverbial phrases, weather and feelings.

Modalit� d'esame

The B2 computer exam includes one modified cloze tests (students have to complete a text with gaps, possible answers are given), one C test where students must complete words with the correct affix or suffix, two reading comprehension exercises with multiple choice questions on vocabulary and understanding, and two or three short listening tests with multiple choice questions.

Codice insegnamento
Settore disciplinare
CLA/ING  -  Lingua Inglese
Mary Elizabeth Birkett
1° semestre
Orario delle lezioni Vai su moodle

Libri di testo

Visualizza la bibliografia con Leganto, strumento che il Sistema Bibliotecario mette a disposizione per recuperare i testi in programma d'esame in modo semplice e innovativo.